Saturday, October 4, 2008

From paper to wood

The construction of the F-22 ama began in earnest last week, but not in any of the ways outlined in the plans. As an effort to learn lofting and how to fair curves (at least on paper), we lofted the ama (float) of the F-22 in full size, using 3 butted sheets of masonite.

We generated a table of offsets using the DXF files I purchased from Ian. Essentially, we imported the DXF files into Autocad and took measurements from the centerline of each of the float frames. We created artificial waterlines (since the ama does not have a "true" waterline) and then compiled buttocks lines on top of that. We also lofted each frame in a body plan view. We faired the lines of the ama with a 24' wooden batten and you wouldn't believe how fair Ian's plans are!

I included some pictures in this post, if you'd like to take a look at an "old school" lofting. Sorry the ink is difficult to see, but I just could not think of a better way to take the picture becuase the ama is so long. Please feel free to let me know what you think. Aloha, Mike

First picture is body plan, then profile view, then a view of the raked transom.

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